The United States is experiencing a complicated problem

They say that there is a great resignation because the resignation rate is around 9-19 percent in various business sectors. The total number of workers who resigned during the pandemic until November last year was 4.5 million people.
This very high figure occurred in the midst of the still difficult economic situation. The public thinks that more people need jobs than are leaving in the current situation. It turned out to be the opposite. This fact further shows that the issue of employee resignation is not just a matter of salary. Three researchers who wrote in an article in the MIT Sloan Management Review revealed that none of the top five reasons people left companies during the April-October 2021 survey mentioned compensation. The five main reasons are companies are bad at responding to Covid-19 cases, companies fail to recognize employee performance, high levels of innovation, reorganization within the company, and most of all there is a toxic culture in the company. The latter reason is 10.4 stronger than the question of compensation. Further analysis conducted by the researchers in the article entitled Toxic Culture Is Driving the Great Resignation states, the main causes that contribute to the emergence of a toxic culture in companies are the failure of companies to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion; workers feel unappreciated; and unethical behavior by some employees. This combination causes employees to choose to leave the company even during a difficult pandemic


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