(PYFA) PT Pyridam Farma Tbk. Soon to Acquire Holi Pharma

(PYFA), obtained the approval of shareholders to acquire PT Holi Pharma for Rp108.56 billion. Based on the information disclosure quoted, the issuer codenamed PYFA received approval from the Company's plan to take over PT Holi Pharma from the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS).
“This takeover resulted in a change of control in Holi Pharma which was carried out by purchasing all shares owned by Holi Pharma shareholders by the company which constituted all or most of the shares that had been issued and paid up in Holi Pharma and also the taking of new shares by the Company which will be issued by Holi Pharma,” wrote the Board of Directors of Pyridam Farma. Meanwhile, the value of the takeover transaction reached Rp108.56 billion. The object of the transaction is 27,385 Holi Pharma shares, with a par value of Rp1,000,000 per share or equivalent to 100% of the issued and paid-up capital in Holi Pharma. The issuer codenamed PYFA together with its subsidiary PT Pyfa Sehat Indonesia (PSI) will acquire all of the shares with details of 27,371 shares or the equivalent of 99.95% of shares being taken by PYFA while 14 shares or equivalent to 0.05% will be taken by PSI. Holi Pharma is a manufacturer of pharmaceutical product processing for humans including the manufacture and processing of pharmaceuticals, and health supplements. In addition, Holi Pharma also operates in the basic organic chemical industry, cosmetic industry including toothpaste, medical and dental equipment industry, as well as orthopedic and prosthetic equipment.

|•SOURCE•| Articles :BISNIS | Image :PYFA |


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